Customer and Staff Care

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At Hillhead Housing Association, we take our customer and staff care very seriously. 

We will

  • be friendly, courteous and welcoming
  • treat all customers with respect and dignity
  • always show identification when out of the office on business
  • provide our name when in contact with a customer
  • respect confidentiality and privacy
  • deal with customers' requests promptly
  • deal with customers objectively and not be judgemental or prejudiced
  • be sensitive, patient and understanding at all times
  • never use foul or abusive language

Our staff work very hard to provide you with an efficient and high quality service. They deserve to be treated with respect. We will not tolerate abuse, physical or verbal, of our staff or other service users.

Hillhead Housing Association 2000 will take appropriate action against anyone who assaults, threatens or intimidates any of our employees.