Getting Involved

inclusion-7190731 1280

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you and there are various ways you can get involved and provide us with your feedback.

Our Wider Role and Community Regeneration Sub Committee is responsible for overseeing all of the Association’s Wider Role and Community Regeneration activities - if you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Marie Savage 0141 776 8623.

Please select the relevant tabs below for further details on how you can get involved.

Customer care working GroupSmiley faces feedback

Welfare Rights Groupconnections-990699 1280

Membership of the Associaitonai-generated-8100570 1280

Joining the Committee

inclusion circle jigsaw

Community Gardengreenhouse-6226263 1280

Food Growing Strategyvegetables-742095 1280

Tenant Consultationteam-8499960 1280

Community Litter picksgarbage-1713777 1280

Tenant Satisfaction Surveysurvey-7046888 1280

Tenant Participation Strategyplan-2372176 1280